Saturday, April 11, 2015

I'm Presenting about C-51!

I'll be making a presentation about C-51 tomorrow morning at 11:00 AM at the Unitarian Fellowship of Fredericton, 874 York St. It's free, all are welcome, and there's  coffee and snacks a question and answer session afterwards. So if you're in the Fredericton area and you're curious about C-51, all you have to do is show up and ask whatever questions you have. The Unitarians have a Sunday meeting-thing that has a similar structure to a church's Sunday service, but they're very relaxed about things like whether you believe in one or more gods or not, so don't be put off by the format. If you come you'll probably not feel all awkward and out-of-place like you would (or I do) at church.

I have to emphasize, though, that I'm not presenting on behalf of the Unitarian Fellowship, of Unitarians more generally, or of any group or organization at all. I'm presenting my own invdividual views, and it's just taking place in that building.